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Hi! This section is constantly expanding. Also, sending these out costs me money. So as time passes, I will be able to afford more. Especially if you are able to donate! But don't feel pressured.

Ideally, I would like to have Newsletters per-project; however, that would not be cheap.

Base Seb Newsletter

This newsletter is the most generic, succinct newsletter. It covers how I am doing broadly, but doesn't get into much detail on individual projects. I'll try to cover a few of them but I am quite restless and just do too much to type it all in a digestible format.

Projects Newsletter

This will get more into detail on the actual projects I'm doing. I will refrain from saying much here as the content of these will change dramatically as my ever-fickle interests drift. 😈 However, as they accrue, you should be able to see them under Archived Newsletters, to the left. =^)

Friends Newsletter

This one will give a bit of detail on what friends and associates happen to be doing. They'll remain anonymous, but if you contact me directly... I may be able to connect you. With their permission!